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Forum Posts

Oct 11, 2024
In General Discussions
I tried that ClothOff AI tool yesterday, just to see if it’s as crazy as people say. And yeah, it’s wild! You upload a photo, and in like a second, the clothes are gone, and it looks so real. I didn’t expect it to be that good. I just did it for fun because I was curious, but it’s weird how realistic it gets. Have you tried it yet? I’m still trying to figure out if it’s just cool tech or a little too much.
Sep 13, 2024
In General Discussions
I'm resolving a peculiar problem with my friend's Porsche. While driving, the navigation system's screen turns entirely blank; nevertheless, it functions normally when the car is parked. We've attempted software updates and connectivity checks but to no avail. It isn't very pleasant because it prevents you from using the GPS while driving. Has this happened to anyone previously, and if so, do you know what might be causing it?


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